
Monday, December 7, 2015


Poem 《終南別業》 by Wang Wei (王维)

唐代 (Tang Dynasty)
詩人 (Poet)
王維 (Wang Wei)




This poem is one of the masterpieces of the Tang Dynasty poet, Wang Wei, writing about pastoral landscape.

Wang Wei described the mood and enjoyment of a person roaming alone until reaching the waterline, and stopping to watch the clouds, as if we he actually meets such a person which vividly depicts the image of a hermit. The person stopped to chat and laugh with the elderly until he forgot the time to return home.

The author captured the typical environment, and highlighted the typical examples of daily things. See more of Wang Wei's poems

Source: 作者 : 隆相法师


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When Li Bai was just a little boy, he didn't like to study, and often skipped school to roam around the streets.

One day, while Li Bai was roaming on the streets, he passed by a broken hut, and saw a gray-haired old lady was grinding an iron pestle. Curiously, Li Bai questioned her what she was doing. The old lady looked up and replied, "I want to grind this iron pestle into a needle." she then looked down and continued with her work.

"A needle?" Li Bai asked: "Are you making a sewing needle?"

"Of course!" the old lady replied.

"But, but the rod is so thick, when will it be grounded into a thin needle?"

Instead the old lady questioned Li Bai back, "If dripping water can wear away a stone, and the Foolish Old Man can move mountains, why can't I grind this pestle into a needle?"

"But, with your age?" Li Bai asked.

The old lady replied, "As long as I put a lot more effort than the others, nothing I can't accomplish."

The old lady's remarks made Li Bai feel very ashamed of himself.

Ever since that day, Li Bai never skip another day of school, and put a great effort into his studying, and he soon became one of the very famous poets of the Tang Dynasty.


Whatever you do, as long as your have perseverance, you will be successful, and the effort will pay off.
See source


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